Monthly Archives: February 2017

What’s Going ON ??

Tony Blairtony

Not sure about you but I have had enough of this. A millionaire ex public schoolboy telling us what we need to be doing for the best. That same prat was responsible (with the help of George W Bush) for creating Isis and getting over 150,000 innocent people killed in the process.


MP’s on their £76,000 salaries should be FORCED to watch ‘I Daniel Blake’, and see what life is like for a large proportion of the population. They should then sit back and realise ‘I am responsible for this’. Food Banks and zero hours contracts and the results of Globalisation, have turned some sectors of society into groups of people with no hope, and no change for the foreseeable future.

There should be several rules brought in for MP’s

  • No other jobs apart from the one they are paid for as an MP
  • No private education for the children of an MP – if the state school system just isn’t good enough for them, then FIX IT!
  • No Private Health Insurance. If the NHS cannot provide the care you need or the waiting times are just too long, then FIX IT

President Trump

Donald Trump is wildly reviled, as over 2 million people don’t want him to come on a state visit. He is probably not a very nice person. But look at what he believes.

He realises that stopping the mining and burning of coal in the US, is bad for his country. It can be said that the practice does not help in the fight against Global Warming, if you are one of those many people who believe its having an effect. But mining that coal from somewhere else and creating massive Coal Fired Power Stations in another part of the planet, will produce just the same results. I looked out of my window just now and realised that the sky in the UK is exactly the same as the sky in China… they are linked. Has no one else spotted this?

National Debt

Bailing out the banks added 1.5 Trillion to our National Debt. We are having severe austerity imposed on us at the money to try to get the total debt paid off quickly. Surely the banks should be paying off the proportion THEY are responsible for, and the austerity for us should only be for the bits we owe, for imprudent spending in the past.

Things need to change.

We are an island nation, so why the hell do we import fish? We have the best animal welfare rules in the world, so why do we import meat from other countries? We have acres of non productive agricultural land, which our farmers are paid by the EU to keep it that way. End result? At a conservative estimate we have a food security figure of only 60%.

Lets start growing and consuming our own food, and harvesting all our own fish.

Lets make stuff and stop buying cheap Chinese crap. We have created thousands of billionaires in China.