RSPB and EDDC trialling new idea in Bere Regis..

The signs have gone out, and people have started to count the various species of wild birds in the gardens likely to be affected by the trial area.


RSPB says

There is no denying that pet cats kill garden birds. Many people are distressed and angered by someone else’s cat killing birds in their garden. Many cat owners want to stop cats killing birds.

Well, with the help of the EDDC, the people of Bere Regis are going to see if they can solve the problem. Bert Rogers, a keen Ornithologist in the area says.

It might seem strange to some people to get the council involved, but they do have the necessary experience, and , by the way, have you seen just how much a bloody vet would charge.

But not everyone is so enthusiastic. Mrs Ida Penny from Bere says

I can see that my cat is responsible for killing some birds, he used to bring them into the kitchen, still flapping.. but they should have mentioned the downside. Arthur has been regularly missing the litter tray and has nearly got run over twice.

It seems that until the bird count is completed, it is unsure whether this scheme will be rolled out to other areas in Dorset.

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